7 Marketing Tactics to Increase Conversions

7 Marketing Tactics to Increase Conversions

7 Marketing Tactics to Increase Conversions

The conversion funnel is perhaps one of the most important topics for any marketer. It’s one thing to figure it out and organize it, but it’s an entirely different thing to increase the conversion rate. How to increase the conversion rate might be the most popular question on the minds of marketers and business owners alike. Hence, here are the seven marketing tactics to increase your conversions.


#1 Prioritize Social Media Engagement

Though social media is a common occurrence nowadays, and many brands already use these platforms to promote their businesses, many don’t take social media seriously. But this underestimation of its power probably comes from the fact that not everyone knows how to use its best features to get the most out of likes, comments, and shares. By prioritizing specifically social media engagement, you will be able to achieve:

  • More Follows will help you grow your online follower base. These are the people that will be actively or passively watching out for your content and who are pretty much your potential customers.
  • More Exposure will help you get through to different segments of your audience. By getting more engagement, your profile will appear on the Explore page, and your non-followers will see your content.
  • More Authority will help you establish a name for your business. By posting high-quality content and engaging with your audience, you create a particular reputation for your brand.
  • More Connection will allow you to provide a better customer experience. Connecting with your customers and potential customers shows that you care about them. Moreover, you can even offer customer support via social media platforms.


#2 Create More Video Content

Videos have always been a demanding type of content. You usually need to invest way more time, effort, and money into creating a video or an animation than you would create an article on the same topic. But this demanding nature of creating videos is balanced out by the fact that videos are in-demand and usually perform well in many aspects. Consequently, creating more video content can help you get more conversions.

One of the best things about videos is that they can be used on any platform and incorporated into other types of content or used in combination with them. For example, posting a well-written article will probably get you many reads, but adding a video about the same topic can get you more shares. Likewise, videos can be used in ads, social media, email marketing, your website or blog, etc.

To determine which direction you want to go in with your videos, you should first understand what types of videos (entertainment, how-tos and guides, product reviews, etc.) Then, you can decide which platforms you will be using to publish the videos and which topics you will be covering. Based on their performance, you can determine which videos work best for your brand.


#3 Persuade Your Customers to Return

By this point, it’s a known fact that existing customers are much cheaper to work with than potential customers. Hence, turning your existing customers into returning ones will help you reduce your marketing costs while also maximizing your conversions. That being said, it’s worth remembering that new customers are still needed to grow your client base and help your business grow in the long term.

As Maria McAvoy from the writing service review site Best Writers Online says, “Persuading your customers to return is not an easy task. But once you figure out how to do it, it will be much easier to define your returning customer strategy and work with that. Getting more conversions shouldn’t only depend on getting more new customers who might not come back for more even though you’ve invested in them a ton.”

There is no one way to persuade your customers to return, but you can use different tactics for it. By making them subscribe to your newsletter while they make their first purchase, you will get the opportunity to send them promotional materials regularly reminding them of other products they can buy from you. Social media can also help you make them come back if they are following you there.


#4 Use Pop-Ups Smartly

Pop-ups have somewhat of a controversial reputation. On the one hand, they can be annoying and prompt your site visitors to leave immediately just because they get so irritated. On the other hand, pop-ups can be relatively ineffective if you don’t use them enough or misuse them. But most importantly, pop-ups can be helpful to get more conversions when you find the perfect balance between too many pop-ups and too few.

What makes a good pop-up is hard to determine, but there are some general rules that you should stick to:

  • Always make the close button or cross visible. Nobody wants to look for a way to close the pop-up, give up, and leave the website just because they can’t access the information they need.
  • Don’t make the pop-up fill out the whole page. Such huge pop-ups could help you ensure that the person focuses their attention on the information in the pop-up, but there is usually not a big difference between a regular-sized and a full-page pop-up.
  • Use just the correct number of pop-ups. Make your pop-up appear when the person first views a specific page and when your site detects their mouse is supposedly leaving the website. But don’t make the pop-ups appear every few minutes or so.
  • Keep the design of your pop-up in line with the design of your website. Branding is still essential for pop-ups, so you don’t want to make them seem like they were intended for a completely different website.


#5 Utilize Email Marketing

Like social media marketing, email marketing is often underestimated. But while social media marketing is viewed that way because not everyone “gets it”, email marketing has a reputation like that because it’s supposedly no longer effective. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Most people still use emails, whether for personal needs or work. This means using email marketing can still help you get more conversions.

The problem arises when you send too many emails… or too few. Indeed, just like with pop-ups, emails can become ineffective if you misuse them. Getting too many promotional emails can be highly annoying or even activate the spam filter in your recipient’s inbox. Getting too few emails will get lost in all the other emails the person receives regularly.

As John Keller from the paper writing service reviews site, Online Writers Rating puts it, “Email marketing needs to be personalized, but you shouldn’t get to the intimidating level. Send out general updates or news along with promotional materials. If the person has purchased something from you, you will probably persuade them to come back by sending out personalized discounts and offers. Everyone loves reduced prices.”


#6 Leverage FOMO and Urgency

FOMO or the fear of missing out and urgency have always been quite effective in increasing sales. There is a specific psychological trigger that makes us worry that we might be passing on something valuable. We are used to saving resources for later, for the bad days. This means that when we see something of value, we will likely want to get it even if we don’t need it immediately.

As a result, creating urgency and using FOMO has become extremely popular with marketers and businesses of all kinds. Special offers, flash sales, holiday sales, promotions, and discounts – all of these are meant to maximize sales by setting a limited time frame when the customers can purchase the products for a lower price. Moreover, you can also use scarcity to create urgency (e.g., “Only 100 items left!”)


#7 Focus on Your Calls to Actions

Last but not least, it’s important to remember one of the essential elements of marketing – CTAs or calls to action. CTAs can be used in any content that makes them quite versatile, but overusing them can make them too obvious and drive away your potential customers. So, just like with pop-ups and emails, it’s necessary to find the right balance for your calls to action.

For example, when you have an ad campaign, you will probably want to place at least one CTA in every ad. Don’t use too many CTAs in one ad as it can confuse your audience, and they won’t understand what exactly you want from them. On the other hand, multiple CTAs can be used on a single web page if they belong to different sections on the page. You can also repeat the CTAs a few times to increase their effectiveness.


Final Thoughts

All in all, it’s possible to increase conversions just by focusing on one aspect of your marketing campaign, but by combining different tactics, you can get even better results. Use the tips and techniques from this article to optimize your conversion funnel and start getting more subscriptions, sales, and so on.


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