Bing SEO Tips to Implement For Optimization

specialists at the white-label outsourcing agency discussing Bing SEO tips

When it comes to digital marketing, it’s important to devise strategies that make clients’ websites more relevant, preferably organically or with paid adverts. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques play a crucial role in making websites stand out in SERPs.

However, with the ever-increasing competition for the attention of target audiences, convincing your clients to invest in SEO for alternate search engines like Bing can be differential.

Since most marketers go after Google, Bing offers lower competition, with a market share of 6.8% for desktop users. Although it may seem low compared to Google’s 87% market share, Bing is increasingly becoming relevant, with the market for the search engine growing by 41% in the past couple of years.

The second largest search engine serves millions of users, but an estimate also shows that a little over one-third of queries are powered by Bing, especially voice-assisted searches.

What’s more, Bing is more open about its ranking factors, allowing marketers to eat the Bing pie with minimal effort while still reaping all the rewards. When you optimize content for Bing, you automatically optimize for Yahoo!, DuckDuckGo, Qwant, Ecosia, and other search engines powered by Bing.

Not sure how to proceed? SEO experts at Rocket Driver are here to lower your burden so that you can focus your efforts on scaling your agency rather than dealing with the nitty gritty in optimizing for relevant search engines.

With our Bing SEO tips, your clients will witness a true difference in their bottom line, allowing your agency to enjoy up to 200% profits cost-effectively. You can also partner with Rocket Driver for other white-label outsourcing solutions, such as sales funnel marketing, SEO, social media, SMS marketing, web design, reputation management, content marketing, business listings, and graphic design services.

Benefits of Highlighting Your Client’s Business on Bing

 professional evaluating Bing performance chart obtained using white-label agency tools

#1- Bing is the Standard for Popular Technologies

On top of being the default search engine for Microsoft products, Bing is also the standard search engine for Apple’s Siri and other popular applications with comparatively high audiences. Statistics reveal over 70% of mobile searches on Bing are conducted on iOS.

#2- Bing Boasts a Lower Bounce Rate than Google

Strengthening Bing SEO offers many advantages because the platform helps clients’ businesses flourish in many critical performance indicators. Bing has increased viewed page metrics and a lower bounce rate than Google. Bounce rates inform search engines about the excellence of a website. Low bounce rates, therefore, often lead to a higher ranking on the search engine result pages.

#3- Bing Offers Access to Exclusive Users

Contrary to popular belief, not every individual with internet access uses Google. An exclusive chunk of the audience prefers using Bing. To further highlight its impact, data reveals 73% of all business or finance-related searches on Bing are from users who don’t use Google or any other search engine.

Bing SEO Tips for Best Results

woman checking Bing's rankings for a client

#1- Utilize the Benefits of Business Listings on Bing Places

Just like Google Business Profile, you can set up a Bing Places profile to deliver more useful and customized local search results for people looking for businesses similar to your client. Creating a listing on Bing Places can help improve their local SEO ranking performance.

#2- Prioritize User Engagement

Bing gauges user engagement of a website via pogo-sticking, a term used to describe a situation where a user clicks the URL but returns to the search results without any further action. It highlights a negative experience. Therefore, the content must connect with the intended audience to avoid pogo-sticking. Creating relevant descriptions and titles is another way to improve the click-through rate while decreasing the bounce rate.

#3- Make use of the Connected Pages Feature by Bing

The Connected Pages feature incredible for establishing the client as an authority in the field. Link their LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook accounts, so Bing recognizes the client’s authority on the topic. Connecting the social platforms through the tool also helps add cohesiveness to your branding efforts to help the client stand out from the competition.

#4- Use Anchor Texts and Backlinks

Just like Google, backlinks are also critical when it comes to Bing’s strategy. Anchor texts also have greater relevance to Bing. So investing in guest posts and adding specific references can strengthen the content. Make sure to match highlighted keywords accurately with links about the subject.  

Content marketing specialist at the white-label marketing agency talking to a client

#5- Produce Original Optimized Content

Investing in the production of original, readable, trustworthy, and well-researched content with reliable backlinks, relevant keywords, and sources that corroborate the information that’s valuable to users is key to finding success with Bing SEO.

The search engine loves multimedia and rewards functional and aesthetic websites, so add relevant images and videos with precise meta descriptions, page titles, and alt-text.

Contextual and relevant keywords are equally important. Concentrate on the on-page SEO to rank higher on Bing. Using keywords in metadata, URL slugs, and starting paragraphs of the content will also help the client’s website gain a place in the top Bing SERPs.

#6- Remain Relevant on Social Media

Bing’s social signals are critical ranking factors, so the search engine places special importance on the popularity of a business’s social media pages. It uses social shares to determine whether a webpage is popular among users.

Social influence can result in an uptick in organic Bing rankings if users share the content extensively. So ensuring the social media strategy is flawless and updated is important. Also, avoid buying followers or likes, and don’t post without a distinguishing brand voice.

Moreover, make sure the social media presence matches the business’s industry or target audience. Tech firms might not have much use for Instagram or Pinterest, but such platforms may be indispensable for event management companies.

With so many Bing SEO tips, it could be difficult to understand where to start. To benefit from increased profit, start by outsourcing Bing and Google SEO to Rocket Driver. The SEO specialists at our white-label reseller agency can come up with a fail-proof strategy that effectively balances and satisfies the requirements of both search engine giants.

Watch this video to find more details about ways your agency can enjoy numerous perks by partnering with our reputable white-label reseller agency in NYC.

If you’re interested, Tom Lombardi, one of the co-founders of the white-label reseller agency in NYC, can walk you through a free demo to expand on the solutions your agency can use to leverage cutting-edge tools, software, expertise, and infrastructure that makes Rocket Driver stand out from the rest.

Reach out to us to streamline premium solutions at ultra-low prices to skyrocket your agency’s growth!

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