Probing Questions To Ask Your White Label SEO Partner

Probing Questions To Ask Your White Label SEO Partner

Probing Questions To Ask Your White Label SEO Partner

By now, the benefits of white label SEO services are well known. Partner agencies can help you:

However, you don’t want to go in blind. You want to make sure that you’ve found services that will not only serve you, but also your brand and customers too. Here are some questions that you should always ask your white label partner:

Can You Explain Your Approach To Link Building?

How your white label SEO company approaches link building matters a great deal. Companies that adopt forbidden strategies can actually harm your clients, severely undermining your brand.

That’s why asking them to explain their approach to link building is critical. Watch out for:

Always double-check that the white label agency is using “white hat” strategies – legitimate techniques. Google punishes domains that don’t.

How Do You Respond To Google Changes?

You’ll also want to ask your white label SEO partner how they respond to Google changes. At Rocket Driver, we’re constantly researching and responding to the search giant’s updates in a way that benefits you and your clients.

What Kind Of Experience Do You Have?

A few white label SEO partners and resellers have substantial experience in SEO, but not all. Many are new and simply posing as seasoned providers. Therefore, check how long they’ve been going.

Rocket Driver got started all the way back in 2011 when white label SEO services were just emerging. We’ve been around ever since, thanks to our ability to serve SEO agencies and provide them with the processes they need. 

How Can I Track My Client’s Campaigns?

You’ll also want to ask the white label service whether they allow you to track your clients’ campaigns. At Rocket Driver, we use transparent software that lets you keep track of your campaigns’ progress and see all your deliverables.

Accounts are simple to set up – just complete a quick questionnaire about your client’s business. You’ll then get robust reporting in real-time through a dashboard. Clients can receive and respond to in-app messages, facilitating better management between you, us, and your customers. And there’s also a work summary where you can view your current content strategy.

Do You Provide Customer Service For My Clients?

Using a white label SEO provider works great, so long as customers don’t come to you asking detailed questions about their services. But, as SEO agencies know all too well, that’s unlikely. Today’s clients are more sophisticated than ever before, and they want to know precisely what you’re doing.

In most cases, white label and SEO agency relationships are not close. The SEO agency is often just a marketing front for the white label firm behind it. Thus, when customers call, SEO agencies aren’t always able to answer their questions, leading to suspicion and loss of trust.

Rocket Driver gets around this problem by bundling customer service into its services. You don’t need to explain all forty of our SEO services to your customers. Instead, you simply forward their questions to a rep who will represent your agency on your behalf, discreetly and professionally.

How Does Payment Work And Is There A Contract?

You’ll also want to check how the white label agency takes payments. Getting locked into a contract isn’t fun, particularly if you’re not getting results, and any agency that tries it probably isn’t working in your best interest.

At Rocket Driver, we offer SEO agencies a custom solution since no two clients are the same. We will analyze your client’s online presence and provide you with a detailed analysis and strategy to ensure our campaigns are successful. You can scale your requirements in tandem with the needs of your firm, starting off small if you wish, and then growing from there. We work on a month-to-month basis, with no contracts.

Do You Offer A Guarantee?

Generally speaking, there is no real way to guarantee SEO. That’s because there’s no set formula and search engines change the rules of the game regularly. Therefore, you should be wary of any white label provider who guarantees any specific results.

In general, you’ll want to choose services that are candid with you about the results they can achieve. At Rocket Driver, we aim to get clients’ pages onto the first page of Google results within four to six months. This is a reasonable time frame that allows us to do everything by the book.

Wrapping Up

Don’t be afraid to ask your white label SEO partner probing questions. The more you ask, the more you can protect both your customers and your brand.

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