White Hat Vs. Black Hat Link Building In A Nutshell

A digital marketer focusing on SEO analytics for a client’s website using Rocket Driver’s white label agency tools

SEO has been steadily growing and evolving. Today, over 50 percent of internet search traffic originates from organic searches. Businesses want to capitalize on this organic search traffic and have it redirected to their website from search engines like Google and Bing. It allows them to capture customers during the initial stages of their buying journey. In addition, businesses can utilize copywriting and content marketing to influence these customers to purchase their products and services. If a business wants to utilize content marketing, but your agency doesn’t provide these services, consider obtaining white label content and copywriting services from Rocket Driver.

SEO is also important because research shows that it remains one of the most effective channels for acquiring new customers. Furthermore, SEO has advanced considerably. Local SEO also helps brick-and-mortar businesses convert digital leads into physical sales.

Understanding the three aspects of SEO

SEO constitutes three aspects. These include technical, on-page, and off-page SEO.

Technical SEO optimizes the website’s technical elements for the best results.

It ensures the website is structured correctly so search engines can effectively crawl and index it. As a result, technical SEO optimizes the site structure, navigation, indexability, crawlability, and other factors. It also optimizes the website’s page speeds because page loading time is a crucial factor search engines use when ranking sites.

Websites with slow loading speeds are unlikely to rank high in SERPs. On the other hand, websites with faster loading speeds are more likely to appear higher in SERPs.

On-page SEO refers to optimizing the website’s content for the best results. As the name suggests, on-page SEO deals with website elements visible to the viewer. For instance, on-page SEO activities will focus on ensuring relevant keywords are present on every web page. It’ll ensure they rank higher in SERPs. Other factors like incorporating title tags and meta descriptions, optimizing images, and creating internal links are crucial elements of on-page SEO.

Off-page SEO is arguably the most important part of SEO. It’s important to remember that off-page SEO comprises more than just link-building. Off-page SEO is crucial because it builds a website’s authority and trustworthiness. Google and other engines consider a website’s authority and trustworthiness before ranking them in SERPs.

While off-page SEO isn’t only about link-building, credible backlinks are crucial. Various ways exist to build links, and that’s where white-hat and black-hat link-building tactics enter the mix.

Differentiating between black-hat and white-hat SEO

White-hat link-building methods use legitimate and valid techniques to improve rankings in SERPs. These tactics function within the rules and expectations created by search engines. Google, for instance, has the Webmaster Guidelines that websites must follow. Websites that don’t follow these guidelines will be penalized by Google. The search engine will stop showing them in SERPs.

On the flip side, black-hat link-building methods don’t abide by these rules or guidelines. Instead, they aim to exploit loopholes to provide better placement in SERPs. In short, they’re capitalizing on the shortcomings of search engine algorithms to beat the system rather than providing value to customers.

Examples of black hat link-building techniques

Let’s assume a client approaches your agency. They want you to improve their off-page SEO by helping create more backlinks from authoritative websites. You have two options. You can opt for black-hat or white-hat link-building techniques. The former aims to capitalize on loopholes within algorithms to rank higher in SERPs. Common black-hat link-building techniques include buying and selling links. Buying and selling links violates Google’s guidelines because the search engine considers purchasing and selling backlinks a link scheme. It also strictly forbids exchanging money, goods, or services for links. Similarly, Google also doesn’t appreciate sending someone a free product and asking them to write a post and include links.

Google also doesn’t approve of exchanging links. That’s when two websites agree to link to each other to help each other rank higher in SERPs. However, it’s important to understand that Google does acknowledge that reciprocal links can happen naturally. Google usually assesses multiple backlinks to determine if you primarily use link exchanging to acquire backlinks.

Another popular black-hat link-building technique involved using link farms and private blog networks. People would purchase multiple websites with the sole purpose of using them to create backlinks among each other. They would usually acquire expired domains with established domain authority. Private blog networks still work relatively well compared to other black-hat link-building techniques. But Google will likely penalize your various websites if it finds out how you obtain backlinks.

Why use white-hat link-building instead?

White-hat link-building techniques work well if you know what you’re doing. If you don’t have the resources or expertise to provide quality SEO services to clients, consider acquiring white label SEO services from Rocket Driver. Partnering with the white label SEO reseller agency also gives you access to their white label agency tools, which your agency can use to determine how effective your white-hat link-building techniques are.

These techniques won’t get you penalized by Google and other search engines. In addition, they work better than most black-hat link-building techniques.

Common white-hat link-building techniques include contributing quality content to guest posts, conducting significant outreach, and providing value to users.

A digital marketer optimizing a client’s off-page SEO

Get Started with Rocket Driver

Your agency will want to stay away from black-hat link-building and SEO services. While these methods might provide short-term rewards, Google and other search engines will latch onto your techniques eventually. It’ll result in disastrous consequences for your agency and, more importantly, your client.

If your marketing firm requires assistance providing quality white-hat link-building and SEO services to clients, outsourcing white label SEO services from an industry leader like Rocket Driver is a viable option. Established in 2011, Rocket Driver is a leading white label SEO agency that provides guaranteed results for your clients.

You can learn more about Rocket Driver by visiting their website at www.rocketdriver.com/. Your agency can also contact Rocket Driver to enquire about their solutions. Similarly, interested parties can schedule a free demo with Tom Lombardi. This demo will showcase how Rocket Driver can help your agency scale.

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