White Label PPC – What is it?

White Label PPC Services - Empowering Agency Growth

Introduction to White Label PPC

Outsourcing has become a cornerstone in the operational strategies of many businesses, especially digital marketing agencies. One significant area where outsourcing can dramatically enhance efficiency and service quality is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) management. This practice, known as white label PPC, involves partnering with a third-party provider to manage PPC campaigns under your agency’s branding. The aim is to extend your service offerings without needing in-house expertise.

Table of Contents

    Importance for Agencies

    For digital agencies, the value proposition of white label PPC is multifaceted. It allows agencies to offer specialized services without incurring the costs and complexities associated with hiring and training dedicated staff. Moreover, it enables agencies to scale quickly and efficiently, meeting client demands with the expertise of seasoned PPC professionals. This guide delves into white label PPC’s benefits, processes, and strategic considerations, providing a comprehensive overview for agency decision-makers.

    What is White Label PPC?


    White label PPC is a collaborative service model where a digital agency partners with a specialized PPC provider. The third-party provider manages PPC campaigns, optimizing ad spend, keywords, and overall campaign performance. Meanwhile, the digital agency retains client relationships, manages client communication, and maintains its branding. This arrangement allows agencies to offer comprehensive PPC services without developing in-house capabilities.


    The process typically begins with the agency securing a client for PPC services. The agency then outsources the campaign management to the white label provider, who executes the campaign behind the scenes. The provider delivers detailed reports and performance metrics, including data on ad performance, keyword effectiveness, and campaign reach, which the agency can present to the client under its own brand name. This seamless integration maintains the agency’s credibility and client trust.

    Why Do Agencies Use White Label PPC?


    One of the main reasons agencies opt for white label PPC is the access to a pool of experts. These specialists are adept at managing PPC campaigns across various platforms, ensuring optimal performance. By tapping into this expertise, agencies can offer top-tier PPC services without investing in extensive training or hiring.

    Time Efficiency

    White label PPC services relieve agencies of the burdensome task of managing intricate PPC campaigns. This frees up time for agencies to focus on other critical business areas, such as client relations and strategic growth initiatives. The outsourced provider handles the complexities of PPC management, from keyword research to bid adjustments, ensuring campaigns run smoothly and efficiently.


    As agencies grow, managing an increasing number of PPC campaigns can become overwhelming. White label PPC services offer a scalable solution, accommodating increased workloads without compromising on service quality. This scalability ensures that agencies can maintain high service levels even as client demands grow.

    Cost Savings

    Outsourcing PPC management to a white label provider eliminates the need for significant investments in training or hiring dedicated staff. This leads to considerable cost savings, which can be redirected towards other growth areas within the agency. Additionally, agencies benefit from the provider’s advanced tools and technologies without incurring additional expenses.

    White Label PPC for New Agencies

    Turbocharging Capabilities

    For new agencies, white label PPC is an invaluable tool for quickly ramping up service offerings. By partnering with an experienced provider, new agencies can deliver high-quality PPC services from day one. This boosts their market credibility and helps in attracting more clients early in their business journey.

    Realistic Client Expectations

    White label PPC providers often offer valuable insights and data, helping new agencies set realistic client expectations. This data-driven approach ensures that agencies can formulate effective strategies and deliver measurable results, fostering trust and long-term client relationships.

    White Label PPC Vs. Hiring a Contractor


    Contractors or freelancers often juggle multiple projects, making their availability unpredictable. White label agencies, on the other hand, are structured to handle fluctuating workloads and can scale resources according to client needs, ensuring consistent service delivery.


    While contractors can provide personalized service, their reliability can be inconsistent due to personal commitments or unforeseen circumstances. White label agencies, with their built-in resilience and backup resources, offer more reliable and uninterrupted service.


    Contractors typically bring a limited perspective based on their individual experiences and knowledge. In contrast, white label agencies draw on a broader range of experiences from managing multiple clients across various industries, providing richer insights and more effective strategies.


    Although contractors may initially seem like a cost-effective option, hidden costs can arise from the need for additional tools and technologies. White label agencies, with their comprehensive service packages, often provide better value for money, especially when considering long-term scalability and consistent quality.

    Service Levels

    Contractors may offer flexible and responsive service when not overloaded with work. However, white label agencies maintain well-defined service levels, ensuring that agencies can meet client expectations consistently even during peak periods.


    Contractors might require agencies to provide essential tools, leading to increased costs. White label agencies typically include advanced tools and technologies in their service packages, ensuring high-quality PPC management without additional expenses.


    Scaling with contractors can introduce variability in service quality due to differences in individual working styles. White label agencies offer a consistent approach to scaling and maintaining uniform service standards as client numbers grow.

    White Label PPC Vs. Managing PPC In-House

    Recruitment and Training

    Building an in-house PPC team involves significant recruitment and training costs. Additionally, it takes time for new hires to reach a level of proficiency where they can deliver high-quality results. White label PPC eliminates these challenges, providing immediate access to skilled professionals.

    Untapped Capacity

    Initially, an in-house PPC team may not have enough work to stay fully occupied, leading to inefficiencies. White label services allow agencies to scale their PPC capabilities in line with client demand, optimizing resource utilization.


    Investing in PPC management tools can be costly and time-consuming. White label agencies come equipped with the necessary tools, ensuring that agencies can offer high-quality PPC services without additional investments.

    Limited Perspectives

    An in-house team may have a limited perspective, relying on their own experiences. White label agencies bring diverse insights from managing various clients, enhancing the strategic approach to PPC management.

    Holidays and Sick Leave

    Managing PPC in-house means dealing with potential disruptions due to holidays or sick leave. White label agencies provide continuous service, ensuring that client campaigns run smoothly without interruptions.

    Upside of Hiring In-House

    The primary advantage of in-house PPC management is direct control over priorities and processes. This allows agencies to tailor services precisely to client needs. However, this comes at the cost of higher overheads and increased management complexity.

    Case Study: Dental Client Success

    Conversion Rate Increase

    A dental client partnered with an agency utilizing white label PPC services, resulting in a 30% increase in conversion rate. The agency provided high-performing mobile-optimized landing pages and compelling ad copy tailored to the client’s needs.

    Cost Per Conversion Reduction

    The cost per conversion for the dental client dropped from approximately $35 to $11, significantly improving their return on investment. This was achieved through efficient call tracking and targeted ad campaigns.

    In Scope and Out of Scope

    Marketing Strategy

    White label PPC providers, with their specialized expertise, focus on managing PPC campaigns and typically do not develop overarching marketing strategies or offers for clients. This responsibility lies with the agency or the client. The PPC provider’s role is to execute and optimize PPC campaigns based on the strategy provided by the agency. They ensure that the campaign aligns with the client’s business goals, but the creation of those goals and the broader strategy to achieve them are not within their scope.

    The Sale

    While white label providers generate leads and qualified traffic, the responsibility for closing sales rests with the client. This ensures clear boundaries and manageable expectations. The white label PPC provider’s role is to drive potential customers to the client’s website or landing page. They focus on attracting the right audience and directing them through the sales funnel up to the point of conversion.

    Once the traffic is directed to the client’s platform, the client’s sales team takes over. They are responsible for converting these leads into customers through their sales processes, follow-up strategies, and customer service. The effectiveness of the white label PPC provider is measured by the quality and quantity of leads they generate, but the final conversion depends on the client’s ability to close the sale.

    Business Development

    White label agencies provide pre-sale support materials but do not engage directly in business development or sales activities for the client. Their role is supportive, offering tools and insights that the agency can use to pitch to potential clients. This might include case studies, performance reports, and other marketing collateral that demonstrate the efficacy of their PPC services.

    The agency remains the primary point of contact for business development activities. They leverage the support materials provided by the white label PPC provider to build trust with prospects and showcase the potential benefits of their services. This division of roles ensures that the agency can focus on client acquisition and relationship management while the white label provider concentrates on delivering high-quality PPC services.

    Client Management

    Post-sale client management and retention are squarely the agency’s responsibilities. White label providers focus on delivering PPC results and supporting the agency in maintaining client satisfaction. The agency manages client communications, sets expectations, and handles any issues or questions that arise.

    The white label provider supports the agency by delivering consistent high-quality PPC services. They provide regular performance reports, insights, and recommendations to help the agency maintain a strong relationship with the client. This collaborative approach ensures that clients receive the best possible service without the white label provider taking over the agency’s client management role.

    Website Changes

    White label PPC services typically do not include website design or improvements. Instead, they use standalone landing pages to optimize campaign performance without altering the client’s website. This approach minimizes risk and ensures that the PPC campaigns can be managed independently of the client’s existing web infrastructure.

    By using standalone landing pages, white label providers can control all aspects of the user experience related to the PPC campaign. They can design these pages to maximize conversions, test different elements, and make rapid changes without needing approval or assistance from the client. This flexibility leads to more effective campaigns and better results for the client.

    Campaign Management

    In-scope services include building and managing PPC campaigns, optimizing keywords, ad copy, and bids, and providing detailed performance reports. The white label provider, with their control and flexibility, handles all aspects of the PPC campaign from inception to execution, ensuring that every element is optimized for success.

    This includes conducting thorough keyword research to identify the best terms to target, creating compelling ad copy that attracts clicks, and managing bids to ensure the client’s budget is used effectively. The provider continuously monitors the campaign’s performance, making adjustments as needed to improve results. Detailed reports are provided to the agency, offering insights into the campaign’s success and areas for improvement.


    White label providers play a crucial role in delivering comprehensive reports and analyses, enabling agencies to present clear, data-driven results to clients. These reports include metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, cost per conversion, and overall return on investment. The data is presented in an easy-to-understand format, allowing the agency to communicate the value of the PPC campaign to the client effectively.

    Regular reporting is crucial for maintaining transparency and trust between the agency and the client. It ensures that clients are kept informed about the performance of their PPC campaigns and can see the tangible results of their investment. The white label provider’s expertise in data analysis and reporting helps the agency demonstrate the impact of their services and retain client satisfaction.

    White Label Costs and Margins

    Pricing Models

    White label agencies employ various pricing models, including fixed fees, percentages of ad spend, and hybrid approaches. Each model has its advantages and should align with the agency’s pricing strategy.

    Fixed Fee

    In this model, the agency charges a set fee for PPC management, often up to a certain ad spend cap. This approach is straightforward and easy for clients to understand. It avoids conflicts of interest related to ad spend levels and ensures predictable costs for the client.

    Percentage of Ad Spend

    This model ties the management fee to the client’s ad spend, aligning the agency’s incentives with client success. As the client’s ad budget grows, so does the management fee. This approach ensures that the agency benefits from the client’s success and is motivated to optimize the campaign for better results.


    While less common, commission-based models link fees to client sales or conversions. This approach can create conflicts over lead quality and is generally less favored in white label PPC arrangements. It ties the agency’s compensation directly to the client’s sales performance, which can be influenced by factors outside the agency’s control.

    Hybrid Models

    Hybrid models combine elements of fixed fees and percentage-based pricing, offering flexibility and aligning incentives. For example, an agency might charge a lower fixed fee combined with a percentage of the ad spend or a performance-based bonus. This approach can provide a balanced solution that aligns the agency’s interests with those of the client.

    Pricing Models to Avoid

    Pay-per-lead models can lead to disputes over lead quality and conversion rates, potentially straining client relationships. Transparent and straightforward pricing models are generally more effective in maintaining trust and long-term partnerships.

    Profit Margins

    To be profitable with white label PPC, agencies need to set realistic prices for their services. A margin of at least 50% is recommended to ensure sustainability and high-quality service delivery. Some agencies achieve margins as high as 80% through effective packaging and positioning.

    Cost Management

    Effective cost management is crucial for maintaining healthy profit margins. Agencies should carefully consider the cost of white label services, their pricing strategy, and additional costs such as tools, software, and marketing. By optimizing these factors, agencies can maximize their profit margins and ensure long-term success.

    Value-Based Pricing

    Agencies can enhance their profit margins by adopting a value-based pricing strategy. This approach involves setting prices based on the perceived value of the services provided rather than just the cost. By demonstrating the significant benefits and results of their PPC campaigns, agencies can justify higher prices and achieve better profit margins.

    How to Get PPC Clients

    Portfolio Building

    Showcase successful campaigns and client testimonials to attract new business. A strong portfolio demonstrates your expertise and builds credibility with potential clients. Highlighting case studies that show significant improvements in key metrics such as conversion rates, click-through rates, and return on investment can be particularly persuasive.

    Content Marketing

    Create high-quality content on PPC-related topics to establish your agency as an authority. Blogs, videos, and webinars can draw organic traffic and engage potential clients. Content marketing helps build trust and credibility, demonstrating your knowledge and expertise in PPC management.

    PPC Audits

    Offering free PPC audits highlights areas for improvement in potential clients’ existing campaigns and showcases your agency’s value. Use these audits as a gateway to secure new business. A thorough audit can reveal inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement, demonstrating your ability to enhance campaign performance.


    Build relationships with complementary businesses and agencies to generate referrals. Engage in industry events, social media platforms, and relevant forums to expand your network. Networking helps build connections that can lead to valuable referrals and partnerships, expanding your client base.

    Cold Outreach

    Research potential clients and prepare customized proposals that address their specific needs. Personalized outreach can be effective in securing new business. Tailored proposals demonstrate that you understand the client’s unique challenges and offer solutions that can meet their specific needs.

    Tools and Resources

    Utilize case studies, pitch decks, and performance estimates to enhance your client acquisition efforts. These resources demonstrate your expertise and provide tangible projections of expected returns. High-quality marketing materials can make a strong impression on potential clients, increasing the likelihood of securing their business.

    Partnerships and Alliances

    Forming strategic partnerships and alliances with other businesses can also be an effective way to attract PPC clients. For example, partnering with web design firms, SEO agencies, or digital marketing consultants can lead to referrals and collaborative opportunities. These partnerships can help you tap into new client bases and expand your reach.

    Client Retention Strategies

    In addition to acquiring new clients, agencies should focus on retaining existing clients. Providing exceptional service, maintaining regular communication, and delivering consistent results are key strategies for client retention. Satisfied clients are more likely to renew their contracts and refer your services to others.

    Effective White Label Onboarding

    Building Trust

    Establish trust quickly with new clients through confident, clear communication. Set realistic expectations and deliver on promises to build a strong foundation for the relationship. Transparent communication helps manage client expectations and fosters a positive, trusting relationship.


    Maintain regular communication with clients during the onboarding process. Provide updates and explain your processes to keep clients informed and reassured. Regular check-ins ensure that clients are aware of progress and can provide feedback, helping to address any concerns promptly.

    Onboarding Checklist

    Develop a comprehensive checklist to gather necessary information from clients and streamline the onboarding process. Include all relevant questions and details to ensure a smooth transition. A detailed checklist helps ensure that all critical information is captured, reducing the risk of misunderstandings or omissions.

    Kickoff Meetings

    Hold kickoff meetings with new clients to discuss goals, expectations, and timelines. These meetings provide an opportunity to align on objectives and address any initial questions or concerns. Kickoff meetings set the tone for the engagement and ensure that both parties are on the same page from the start.

    Documentation and Resources

    Provide clients with documentation and resources that outline your processes, reporting methods, and communication protocols. This helps clients understand what to expect and how to interact with your team. Clear documentation supports a smooth onboarding process and reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings.

    Setting Milestones

    Establish key milestones and deliverables for the onboarding process. This helps clients track progress and ensures that both parties are aligned on timelines and expectations. Milestones provide structure and allow for regular evaluation of progress, helping to keep the project on track.

    Choosing a White Label Partner


    Selecting a white label provider with proven success in your clients’ industries is crucial. Their expertise will ensure high-quality results and enhance your agency’s reputation. Reviewing case studies, testimonials, and references can help assess the provider’s experience and track record.

    When evaluating experience, consider the provider’s depth of knowledge in specific industries and their familiarity with various PPC platforms. Providers with a broad range of experience can bring valuable insights and best practices to your campaigns. Additionally, providers who have worked with similar-sized clients or in similar markets will have a better understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities your clients face.

    Experience also includes the provider’s ability to stay current with industry trends and updates. A knowledgeable provider who is up-to-date with the latest PPC strategies and tools will be better equipped to deliver effective campaigns and adapt to changes in the digital marketing landscape.

    Quality of Service

    Evaluating client testimonials, case studies, and performance metrics to assess the provider’s service quality is essential. High service standards are crucial for maintaining client satisfaction. A provider with a strong reputation for delivering excellent results will enhance your agency’s credibility and client relationships.

    Requesting sample reports and conducting reference checks can provide further insights into the quality of service. Look for consistent positive feedback regarding their responsiveness, reliability, and the impact of their PPC campaigns. High-quality service is often reflected in detailed, transparent reporting and a proactive approach to campaign management.

    Quality of service also includes the provider’s ability to communicate effectively and provide ongoing support. A provider who is responsive, attentive, and willing to address any concerns or issues promptly will contribute to a positive working relationship and ensure the success of your PPC campaigns.

    Strategic Alignment

    Choosing a partner whose goals align with yours is essential for a successful collaboration. Ensure they can cater to your client’s specific needs and contribute to your agency’s strategic growth. Strategic alignment ensures that both parties are working towards common objectives and can collaborate effectively.

    This involves understanding the provider’s long-term vision and how it aligns with your agency’s goals. A provider with a compatible business model and shared values will be more likely to support your agency’s growth and contribute to mutual success. Regular strategic planning sessions can help maintain alignment and ensure that both parties are on the same page.


    Ensure your white label provider meets your communication expectations. Set criteria for responsiveness and turnaround times to align with client needs. Clear communication is essential for a successful partnership, helping to address issues promptly and maintain transparency.

    Establishing regular communication channels, such as weekly status updates and monthly performance reviews, can help keep the lines of communication open. This ensures that both parties are aware of any developments and can address potential issues before they escalate. A provider who is proactive in their communication will help build trust and ensure smooth project execution.


    Establish clear expectations for communication and response times. Choose a provider that can meet your targets without overburdening their resources. A responsive provider will be able to address your needs quickly and effectively, ensuring smooth project execution.

    Responsiveness also includes the provider’s ability to adapt to changes and handle urgent requests. A provider who can quickly pivot and address unforeseen challenges will contribute to the overall success of your PPC campaigns. Regular performance evaluations and feedback sessions can help ensure that the provider remains responsive and meets your expectations.

    Working Hours

    Consider the provider’s location and working hours to ensure alignment with your agency’s operations. Similar time zones and office hours facilitate smooth collaboration. Working with a provider in a similar time zone can reduce delays and improve communication efficiency.

    Additionally, consider the provider’s availability during critical campaign periods, such as product launches or promotional events. Ensuring that the provider can offer support during these times is crucial for the success of your PPC campaigns. Clear communication about working hours and availability can help avoid potential scheduling conflicts and ensure that both parties are aligned.

    Pricing Model

    Understand the provider’s pricing model and ensure it aligns with your agency’s billing cycle. Choose a model that allows for profitability and seamless integration with your services. A transparent and fair pricing model will support a sustainable partnership and help you manage costs effectively.

    Discussing the pricing model in detail before entering into a partnership can help avoid potential misunderstandings. Ensure that the provider’s fees are clearly outlined and that there are no hidden costs. A provider who offers flexible pricing options can better accommodate your agency’s financial needs and contribute to a successful collaboration.


    Ensure the provider offers necessary tools, such as reporting platforms and call tracking software, to deliver high-quality PPC services. Access to advanced tools and technologies is crucial for effective PPC management and performance tracking.

    Evaluate the provider’s toolset to ensure that it aligns with your agency’s needs and enhances your service offerings. Advanced tools can provide valuable insights, streamline processes, and improve campaign performance. A provider who invests in the latest technologies demonstrates their commitment to delivering high-quality services and staying ahead of industry trends.

    Cultural Fit

    Assess the provider’s cultural fit with your agency. A good relationship built on mutual respect and understanding is crucial for long-term success. A provider that shares your values and work ethic will be easier to collaborate with and more likely to contribute to your agency’s success.

    Cultural fit also includes the provider’s approach to problem-solving and decision-making. A provider who aligns with your agency’s culture and values will be more likely to work collaboratively and support your goals. Regular team-building activities and open communication can help foster a positive working relationship and ensure long-term success.

    Effective Onboarding Communication and Rocket Driver

    Effective White Label Onboarding

    Building Trust

    Establishing trust quickly with new clients is essential for a successful onboarding process. This involves not just clear communication but also transparency. Setting realistic expectations and consistently delivering on promises helps build a strong foundation for the relationship, making clients feel secure and confident in your services.

    Sharing success stories and case studies that demonstrate your track record is a powerful way to build trust. When clients see tangible examples of your agency’s successes, they are more likely to trust in your ability to deliver similar results for them. Additionally, being upfront about potential challenges and how you plan to address them can further cement trust, as it shows you are prepared and proactive.

    Providing clients with a detailed roadmap of the PPC campaign is a key trust-building strategy. Outline the steps you will take, the expected timeline, and the goals you aim to achieve. This transparency helps clients understand the process and sets clear expectations, reducing any anxiety they may have about the campaign’s success.


    Regular communication during the onboarding process is not just a necessity but a powerful tool to keep clients reassured and informed. Providing updates and explaining your processes ensures that clients are always aware of the progress and can provide feedback, thereby addressing any concerns promptly.

    Effective communication is not just about talking but also about active listening. By genuinely understanding your client’s needs and concerns, you can tailor your approach to better meet their expectations. This two-way dialogue fosters a collaborative atmosphere and demonstrates that you value their input, making them feel more valued and respected.

    Using multiple communication channels, such as email, phone calls, and video conferences, can enhance the onboarding experience. This flexibility allows clients to choose the method they are most comfortable with, making it easier for them to stay engaged and informed throughout the process.

    Onboarding Checklist

    Developing a comprehensive checklist to gather necessary information from clients and streamline the onboarding process is vital. This checklist should include all relevant questions and details to ensure a smooth transition. A detailed checklist helps ensure that all critical information is captured, reducing the risk of misunderstandings or omissions.

    The checklist can cover areas such as the client’s business goals, target audience, budget, and key performance indicators (KPIs). It’s also beneficial to include technical details like access to their existing PPC accounts, preferred communication methods, and reporting preferences. This thorough approach ensures that you have all the information needed to launch and manage your PPC campaigns effectively.

    A good onboarding checklist might include the following items:

        • Client contact information
        • Business goals and objectives
        • Target audience demographics
        • Budget allocation for PPC campaigns
        • Key performance indicators (KPIs)
        • Access to existing PPC accounts
        • Preferred communication methods and frequency
        • Reporting format and frequency

      By collecting this information upfront, you can avoid potential delays and ensure that the PPC campaigns are set up and managed efficiently.

      Kickoff Meetings

      Holding kickoff meetings with new clients is an effective way to discuss goals, expectations, and timelines. These meetings provide an opportunity to align on objectives and address any initial questions or concerns. Kickoff meetings set the tone for the engagement and ensure that both parties are on the same page from the start.

      During the kickoff meeting, it’s beneficial to introduce key team members who will be working on the client’s account. This personal touch helps build rapport and establishes a direct line of communication. Additionally, outlining the project timeline and key milestones gives clients a clear roadmap of what to expect, which can alleviate any anxiety about the process.

      Kickoff meetings are also an excellent opportunity to discuss any potential challenges and how they will be addressed. By proactively identifying and planning for potential obstacles, you can demonstrate your commitment to the client’s success and build their confidence in your ability to manage their PPC campaigns effectively.

      Documentation and Resources

      Providing clients with documentation and resources that outline your processes, reporting methods, and communication protocols helps clients understand what to expect and how to interact with your team. Clear documentation supports a smooth onboarding process and reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings.

      These resources can include a welcome packet, a guide to PPC terminology, and examples of past reports. Having this information readily available not only educates clients but also empowers them to be more engaged in the process. Well-informed clients are more likely to provide useful feedback and collaborate effectively, leading to better campaign outcomes.

      In addition to standard documentation, consider creating a client-specific onboarding guide. This personalized resource can include details about the client’s industry, target audience, and specific goals, making it more relevant and useful to them.

      Setting Milestones

      Establishing key milestones and deliverables for the onboarding process helps clients track progress and ensures that both parties are aligned on timelines and expectations. Milestones provide structure and allow for regular evaluation of progress, helping to keep the project on track.

      Key milestones might include the initial campaign setup, the first round of ad approvals, the launch date, and the first performance review meeting. Clearly communicating these milestones helps manage client expectations and provides a framework for measuring success. Regularly celebrating these milestones also helps maintain enthusiasm and momentum throughout the onboarding process.

      Setting clear milestones also provides opportunities to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments. By reviewing progress at each milestone, you can ensure that the campaign remains aligned with the client’s goals and make any necessary changes to improve performance.

      About Rocket Driver

      Introduction to Rocket Driver

      Rocket Driver, US-based since 2011, provides white-label digital solutions and infrastructure to entrepreneurs and agencies worldwide. Their offerings include best-in-class services, technology, resources, and world-class support. Rocket Driver’s mission is to empower agencies to deliver exceptional digital marketing services without the burden of developing in-house expertise.

      Unique Selling Proposition

      What sets Rocket Driver apart is their unique focus on actively marketing your agency. This key feature is included in their Platinum and Diamond plans. By leveraging advanced SEO and social media strategies, Rocket Driver enhances your agency’s visibility, helping you attract more clients and significantly increase your earnings in the digital marketplace.

      Rocket Driver’s approach is unique because they not only provide white-label services but also actively work to promote and grow your agency. This dual focus on service delivery and agency growth sets them apart from other white-label providers and makes them an ideal partner for agencies looking to expand their reach and impact.

      Revenue-Generating Digital Marketing Solutions

      Rocket Driver’s team is made up of award-winning marketers, designers, and developers who know what it takes to get actual results. They focus on the most important KPIs, such as leads and revenue produced. Meeting these objectives propels businesses ahead, and Rocket Driver believes that their client’s success is the finest benchmark of their own performance.

      E-commerce White Label Service

      Rocket Driver offers a comprehensive e-commerce white-label service that includes everything from website design to digital marketing. Their team creates customized e-commerce solutions tailored to the unique needs of each client. This includes developing user-friendly websites, implementing effective SEO strategies, and managing PPC campaigns to drive traffic and increase sales.

      Web Design White Label Service

      Rocket Driver’s web design white-label service provides agencies with access to top-notch designers and developers who create visually appealing and highly functional websites. Their designs are optimized for user experience and search engine performance, ensuring that clients receive websites that are both attractive and effective.

      White Label Branding Service

      Rocket Driver’s white-label branding service helps agencies build strong, recognizable brands for their clients. This includes everything from logo design to brand strategy development. Their team works closely with agencies to understand their client’s unique needs and create branding solutions that resonate with their target audience.

      Driving Results

      At Rocket Driver, the focus is on creating new strategies, products, and services to outperform competitors and meet clients’ needs. Each client is unique, and Rocket Driver believes in developing customized strategies to achieve outstanding outcomes. Their solution-oriented approach enables everyone involved, from employees to partners and clients, to achieve greatness.

      Custom Strategies

      Rocket Driver’s ability to provide unique products and services designed with forward compatibility enables them to capitalize on any opportunity that arises. Their team works closely with agencies to develop customized strategies that address the specific needs and goals of each client. This tailored approach ensures that clients receive solutions that are both innovative and effective.

      Proactive Approach

      While some white-label service providers dread change, Rocket Driver welcomes it as a necessity in the complex world of digital marketing. Rocket Driver takes a proactive approach to online marketing, design, and development, staying ahead of new technology and strategies. By searching for every window of fresh opportunity, they help customers advance past the competition and achieve outcomes that exceed their initial expectations.

      Valuing Clients and Partners

      Rocket Driver never underestimates the importance of any partner or client. Both parties are their most important stakeholders, which is why their team delivers a seamless experience and exceptional results to anyone who is part of the Rocket Driver family. They achieve this by being innovative, unique, and personal.

      Rocket Driver taps into their unlimited resources, skills, and creativity to develop results-driven and innovative strategies for clients. In turn, clients and partners experience new heights of success and growth, paving the way to expand their businesses.

      World-Class Support and Communication

      At Rocket Driver, proactive communication is key to their partnerships. They are always reachable by phone or email for any queries or to celebrate successes. Regular check-ins keep them attuned to your agency’s needs, ensuring their support is as dynamic and responsive as your business.

      Rocket Driver assigns a dedicated project manager and a 7-10 member support team for each campaign, working together on BaseCamp, their project management platform. This approach guarantees seamless execution and expert support, enhancing both the agency’s and the client’s project experience.

      Lasting Partnerships and Leading Solutions

      Rocket Driver is committed to providing partners with unique and cutting-edge solutions while building long-term partnerships. Every day, they strive toward this objective by designing customized methods that have the most significant impact.

      Their unique approach is reflected in their impressive client retention rate of 91 percent. Many partners have been with Rocket Driver since its inception in 2011, which is a testament to the team’s passion for excellence and their ability to deliver outstanding results consistently.

      Contact Rocket Driver

      Rocket Driver’s commitment to exceptional service and support is evident in their approach to client and partner relationships. To learn more about their services or to schedule a demo, you can contact them via email at team@rocketdriver.com or by phone at (212) 548-4433.

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